Thursday, 30 May 2013

Sorry here is that video ... Don't seem to be able to upload video??

Too many pics and got distracted, here is the video, hopefully.

I don't seem to be able to upload videos so here's another pic showing the progress of this years summer fare.

Video update on the poly baths

The poly covers for the bath was such a great success I made a second one. Here is a short video showing how well the salad leaves etc have come on in a short time from having the extra protection from wind and rain.

Creating a micro climate in the old baths

It has been such a cold and wet season, much later than normal. I decided to make a poly cover for the bath to help warm things up a little.

Permaculture where you can ...

Here is my Permaculture baths, I'm very short on growing space and this south facing wall seemed a waste, this was the result.